Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF)
Nilanjana Nandi
Academic background:
I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Physics (with Hons.) from Raja Peary Mohan College, University of Calcutta in 2017 and thereafter received the Masters of Science degree in Physics from Rajabazar Science College (UCSTA), University of Calcutta in 2019. During my Masters, I finished two short term projects on experimental particle physics at Bose Institute, Kolkata. I joined Ph.D. at IISER Tirupati in August 2021 and am currently working with Dr. Arunima Banerjee on numerical and analytical studies of galactic dynamics.
Research interest(objectives):
Ultra-diffuse galaxies are remarkable for their very low stellar surface brightness and very extended size given their low dynamical masses. They are ubiquitous and exhibit a range of strange properties in terms of their dark matter-richness, morphology, globular cluster content etc. Several hypotheses have been proposed to understand their formation and evolution that can possibly explain their observed characteristics. Yet there are uncertainties in capturing the primary formation mechanism(s) that may precisely resolve their unusual features. While their faint appearance makes it challenging to investigate their dynamics and evolution only using the data from observational surveys, the computational studies provide a scope to study them in detail. The main objective of this thesis project is to perform numerical, analytical and statistical studies of the ultra-diffuse galaxies to understand their formation and evolution, also, several other aspects which may greatly impact their dynamics.
Advisor information:
Courses taken:
- 4 courses (of 16 credits) and 2 audit courses were taken in the first two semesters of the Ph.D. program.
Teaching Assistantships:
- Electricity & Magnetism (PHY211, BSMS 2021 batch, 3rd semester)
- Quantum Mechanics (PHY221, BSMS 2021 batch, 4th semester)
External Teaching assistantships:
- Sree Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tirupati, India (Nov ’22 – Feb ’23; Topic – Quantum Mechanics)
- Sree Venkateswara College of Engineering, Tirupati, India (June – Aug ’23; Topic – LASER, Semiconductor)
- Nandi, N., Banerjee, A., Narayanan, G., The dynamical lineage of field ultra-diffuse galaxies, Submitted, arXiv.2310.08925
- Roy, S., Nandi, N., Adak, R. P., et al., Study of performances of a Straw tube detector with high rate, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Elsevier, 2019, 936, 488–490, 10.1016/j.nima.2018.08.05
- Roy, S., Nandi, N., Adak, R. P., et al., Study of the rate handling capacity of a straw tube detector, CBM progress report, 2017, ISBN 978-3-9815227-5-4, 12th issue, 74, 10.15120/GSI-2018-00485
- Nandi, N., Roy, R. P., et al., Characterization of the Straw tube detector, Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS symposium on nuclear physics, 2017, V. 62, 1032–1033