Title: "Cholesterol and GPCR Signaling: A Molecular Sensor for Cholesterol in the Serotonin1A Receptor"
Speaker: Prof Amitabha Chattopadhyay, CSIR Bhatnagar Fellow, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Uppal Road, Hyderabad, India
Date:01/02/2023, 05:30 PM , C V Raman Hall, IISER Tirupati Transit Campus
Title: "Two-dimensional Titanium Carbide (MXene) as a Redox Charge Storage Host"
Speaker: Dr. Narendra Kurra, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Date:20/01/2023, 05:30 PM , Online
Title: "Does Nature have memory?"
Speaker: Dr. Vikash Pandey, Krea University
Date:19/01/2023, 05:30 PM , Online
Title: "Zirconium and Hafnium Oxide Nanocrystals and Oxo Clusters"
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jonathan De Roo, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
Date:16/01/2023, 05:30 PM , Online
Title: "Terahertz Spectroscopy of Photoexcited Carrier of Low Dimensional Materials"
Speaker: Dr. Srabani Kar, Department of Physics, IISER Tirupati
Date:12/01/2023, 05:30 PM , Ramanujan Hall
Title: "T Cell constimulation, anti-tumor responses and the 2018 Nobel prize"
Speaker: Dr. Dipankar Nandi, Department of Biochemistry, IISc
Date:08/12/2022, 02:00 PM , Class room-1
Title: "Conversion of industrial waste H2S pollutant to value-added products"
Speaker: Dr. Tharamani C. Nagaiah, Associate Professor, IIT Ropar
Date:18/11/2022, 05:30 PM , Online
Title: "Structure, Aggregation and Seeding Properties of Amyloid Proteins Associated with Neurodegenerative Diseases"
Speaker: Dr. Senthil Kumar Thangaraj, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Date:11/11/2022, 05:30 PM , Classroom 1
Title: "Single Molecule Switching and Sensing"
Speaker: Prof. Eric Borguet, Department of Chemistry, Temple University
Date:09/11/2022, 05:30 PM , Online
Title: "Demystifying the Early Events of Protein Aggregation in Neurodegenerative Diseases"
Speaker: Dr Krishnananda Chattopadhyay, Structural Biology and Bioinformatics, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata
Date:02/11/2022, 05:30 PM , Online
Title: "Exploring how epithelial cells are shaped by the mechanics of surrounding tissues"
Speaker: Dr. Muriel Grammont, Laboratoire de Biologie et de Modélisation Cellulaire at the ENS de Lyon, France
Date:31/10/2022, 05:30 PM , Ramanujan Hall, IISER Tirupati Transit Campus
Title: "Exploring the Pattern Formation of Bio-colloids Through Drying Droplets"
Speaker: Dr. Anusuya Pal, University of Warwick, UK
Date:20/10/2022, 05:30 PM , Ramanujan Hall, IISER Tirupati Transit Campus
Title: "Instabilities and Functional Properties of Crystals"
Speaker: Prof. Umesh V. Waghmare, Theoretical Sciences Unit, J Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore
Date:19/10/2022, 05:30 PM , C V Raman Hall, IISER Tirupati Transit Campus
Title: "The generalised synchronization of dynamical systems: Geometry and Constraints"
Speaker: Prof. Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, IIT Delhi
Date:13/10/2022, 05:30 PM , Online
Title: "Molecules to Materials by Exploitation of Steric Effects"
Speaker: Prof. J. Narasimha Moorthy, Director, IISER Thiruvananthapuram; Professor, School of Chemistry, IISER Thiruvananthapuram, Vithura, Kerala; Professor, Department of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Date:12/10/2022, 05:30 PM , C V Raman Hall, IISER Tirupati Transit Campus
Title: "RNA-based Genome Surveillance Mechanisms"
Speaker: Dr. Sree Rama Chaitanya Sridhara, Research Associate, CDFD, Hyderabad
Date:11/10/2022, 05:30 PM , Ramanujan Hall, IISER Tirupati Transit Campus
Title: "Neutron Stars as Dark Matter Detectors"
Speaker: Dr. Aniket Joglekar, IIT Tirupati.
Date:29/09/2022, 05:30 PM , Ramanujan Hall
Title: "Roles of reactive oxygen species in plant growth and defence"
Speaker: Prof. Christine H. Foyer, University of Birmingham.
Date:14/09/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Up above the world so high, Like A Diamond In The Sky - The James Webb Space Telescope"
Speaker: Dr. Jessy Jose, IISER Tirupati.
Date:08/09/2022, 05:30 PM , Ramanujan Hall
Title: "Stickelberger’s theorem and generalisations"
Speaker: Prof. Mahesh Kakde, IISc Bangalore.
Date:07/09/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Pulsations and flows: controlling two collective modes in epithelial monolayers"
Speaker: Dr. Raghavan Thiagarajan, postdoctoral fellow at reNEW, Copenhagen.
Date:06/09/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Unprecedented nature of the Entry of the East India Company into India and Unique Exit by Indian National Movement"
Speaker: Prof. A. Raghuramaraju, Professor in Philosophy, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati.
Date:24/08/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "From magnetic anisotropy to molecular magnets: A journey into the coordination chemistry of pentagonal bipyramidal complexes"
Speaker: Prof. Jean-Pascal Sutter, Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS, Toulouse, France.
Date:17/08/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Dynamics of small particles near vortices"
Speaker: Prof. Rama Govindarajan, ICTS.
Date:10/08/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Galois groups and Number Theory"
Speaker: Prof. Sujatha Ramdorai, University of British Columbia.
Date:02/08/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Invariants in Iwasawa theory"
Speaker: Prof. Sujatha Ramdorai, University of British Columbia.
Date:02/08/2022, 11:00 AM , Lecture Hall
Title: "Photorespiratory metabolism: Not an unavoidable evil but essential to optimize photosynthesis and protect against oxidative stress and photoinhibition"
Speaker: Prof. A.S. Raghavendra, (IoE-Chair Professor, School of Life Sciences) University of Hyderabad.
Date:06/04/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Green-heat generation using nanostructured porous, hard-carbons: from science to applications"
Speaker: Dr. Chandramouli Subramaniam, Associate Professor, IIT Bombay.
Date:25/03/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "The Pick interpolation problem"
Speaker: Prof. Gautam Bharali, IISc Bangalore.
Date:23/03/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "The Intriguing Chemistry of Molecules in Excited States"
Speaker: Dr. Anirban Hazra, Associate Professor, IISER Pune.
Date:04/03/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Extreme-UV photons from high redshift galaxies"
Speaker: Prof. Kanak Saha, IUCAA.
Date:23/02/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Designing Ligand Molecules to Battery Anode Materials using the Main-group Handle"
Speaker: Dr. Moumita Majumdar, Associate Professor, IISER Pune.
Date:11/02/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: " Arcs in algebraic varieties"
Speaker: Prof. Arvind Nair, TIFR Mumbai.
Date:09/02/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Small Molecules, DNA and Self-assembly"
Speaker: Prof. Jyotirmayee Dash, Professor, IACS Kolkata.
Date:04/01/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Super-resolution imaging and optical barcoding via host-guest molecular recognition"
Speaker: Dr. Sarit S. Agasti, Associate Professor, JNCASR Bangalore.
Date:28/01/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Mechanisms of nucleotide-dependent restriction-modification enzymes: the potent bacterial defense against viral infection and horizontal gene transfer."
Speaker: Prof. Saikrishnan Kayarat, IISER Pune.
Date:19/01/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Strategies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance"
Speaker: Prof. Ruchi Anand, IIT Bombay.
Date:12/01/2022, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Extending BN/C=C Isosterism for Developing Novel Functional Materials"
Speaker: Prof. P. Thilagar, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, IISc Bangalore.
Date:19/11/2021, 06:00 PM (Monday), Online Mode
AbstractTitle: "Conversion of a defensive toxin-antitoxin system into an offensive T6SS effector in Burkholderia"
Speaker: Dr Gopaljee Jha, Staff Scientist V, Plant-Microbe Interactions Lab, NIPGR, New Delhi.
Date:09/11/2021, 06:00 PM (Monday), Online Mode
AbstractTitle: "Strategies for enhancement in light emission from fluorogenic molecules and semiconductor nanocrystals"
Speaker: Prof. Anindya Datta, IIT Bombay.
Date:16/09/2021, 05:00 PM (Thursday), Online Mode
Title: "Quantum Materials by Computation: Challenges & Opportunities"
Speaker: Prof. Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences.
Date:02/09/2021, 05:00 PM (Thursday), Online Mode
Title: "Stiefel-Whitney Classes of Representations"
Speaker: Prof. Steven Spallone, IISER Pune.
Date:26/08/2021, 05:00 PM (Thursday), Online Mode
Title: "Low temperature plasma - A perspective"
Speaker: Prof. Peter Bruggeman, University of Minnesota.
Date:20/08/2021, 07:00 PM (Friday), Online Mode
Title: "The perfect defect: Physics and sensing application of the NV center in diamond"
Speaker: Prof. Dmitry Budker, JGU Germany & UC Berkeley.
Date:19/08/2021, 07:00 PM (Thursday), Online ModeTitle: "Photonic quantum science and technologies"
Speaker: Prof. Urbasi Sinha, RRI Bangalore.
Date:18/08/2021, 07:00 PM , Online Mode
Title: "How to build a quantum computer?"
Speaker: Prof. R. Vijayaraghavan, TIFR Mumbai.
Date:17/08/2021, 07:00 PM (Tuesday), Online Mode
Title: "Physics of extreme states created by tabletop lasers"
Speaker: Prof. G. Ravindrakumar, TIFR Mumbai.
Date:16/08/2021, 06:00 PM (Monday), Online ModeTitle: "Covalent Organic Frameworks - Modular Polymers for Energy Science"
Speaker: Dr. Vaidhyanathan Ramanathan, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune.
Date:22/07/2021, 06:00 PM (Monday), Online Mode
AbstractTitle: "Organocatalysis Using N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs)"
Speaker: Dr. A. T. Biju, Associate Prof., Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Date:08/07/2021, 06:00 PM (Monday), Online Mode
AbstractTitle: "Highly Efficient Ambipolar Charge Transport in Semiconducting Discotic Liquid Crystals"
Speaker: Dr. Santanu Kumar Pal, Department of Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) IISER Mohali.
Date:10/06/2021, 06:00 PM (Monday), Online Mode
AbstractTitle: "Swarm Intelligence Guided Global Minima Search on Complex Potential Energy Surfaces"
Speaker: Dr. R. S. Swathi, Associate Professor, School of Chemistry, IISER Thiruvananthapuram.
Date:03/06/2021, 06:00 PM (Monday), Online Mode
AbstractTitle: "Bottom-up engineering of new electronic and structural effects with atomic layers"
Speaker: Prof. Arindam Ghosh, IISc Bangalore.
Date:07/04/2021, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Exoplanetary Atmospheres"
Speaker: Dr. Nikku Madhusudhan, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge.
Date:25/03/2021, 04:00 PM (Thursday), Online Mode
Title: "From the triangle inequality to the isoperimetric inequality"
Speaker: Prof. S. Keshavan from IMSc Chennai
Date:10/03/2021, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Cobalt: Application in Catalytic Borylation Reaction"
Speaker: Prof. Geetharani K, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, IISc Bangalore.
Date:10/02/2021, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "Biomechanical cues regulate regeneration and locomotion in hydra"
Speaker: Prof. Sanjeev Galande, Dean, Research & Development, IISER Pune.
Date:27/01/2021, 05:30 PM , Online Mode
Title: "COVID-19 in India"
Speaker : Prof. Gautam I. Menon, Ashoka University, Sonepat and IMSc, Chennai
Date:25/06/2020, 04:00 PM (Thursday), Online Mode
Title: "Synthesis of Natural Products Today and the Challenges of Tomorrow"
Speaker : Prof. Tushar Kanti Chakraborty, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Date:06/03/2020, 5:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Excitons and plasmons: A tale of two elementary excitations and their interaction"
Speaker : Prof. K George Thomas, IISER Trivandrum
Date:05/02/2020, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Biotechnology in Crop Improvement"
Speaker : Prof. Ramesh Sonti, Director, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi
Date:29/01/2020, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Methods to Solve Non-Linear Equations"
Speaker : Prof. A. Adimurthi, TIFR Centre For Applicable Mathematics (TIFR CAM) Bangalore
Date:22/01/2020, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "How do we tackle the resurgent drug-resistant tuberculosis?"
Speaker : Prof. V. Nagaraja, Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Date:08/01/2020, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Water So Common, So Mysterious "
Speaker : Prof. Richard N. Zare, Stanford University, USA.
Date:18/11/2019, 5:30 PM (Monday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: A high energy phosphate jump - From pyrophospho-inositol to pyrophospho-serine
Speaker : Dr. Rashna Bhandari, Laboratory of Cell Signalling, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad, India.
Date:13/11/2019, 5:30 PM (Monday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: Glimpses of Gut Microbes in their Physical World
Speaker : Prof. Raghuveer Parthasarathy, Department of Physics, University of Oregon, USA.
Date:08/11/2019, 5:30 PM (Monday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Achieving ultra-low temperatures and Physics at those temperatures"
Speaker : Prof. Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, TIFR, Mumbai.
Date:16/10/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Natural numbers and Peano axioms: an overview"
Speaker : Prof. Raghavendra, IIT Tirupati.
Date:09/10/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Battery Battles for Future Transportation"
Speaker : Prof. Vijayamohanan Pillai, IISER Tirupati.
Date:07/08/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Polymers in Cancer therapy"
Speaker : Prof. Jayakannan, IISER Pune.
Date:10/04/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Optical Tweezers and Nanoscale Biological Machines"
Speaker : Prof. Roop Mallik, TIFR, Mumbai.
Date:27/03/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "The Grothendieck inequality"
Speaker : Prof. Gadadhar Misra, IISc Bangalore.
Date:20/03/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Relativistic Jets from Supermassive Black Holes in Active Galaxies"
Speaker : Prof. Joydeep Bagchi, IUCAA Pune.
Date:13/03/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Learning Chemistry through Experiments"
Speaker : Prof. Uday Maitra, IISc Bangalore.
Date:08/03/2019, 5:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "From Calculus to Number Theory"
Speaker : Prof. A. Raghuram, IISER, Pune.
Date:13/02/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Why are electron repulsions important?"
Speaker : Prof. Ramasesha, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Date:30/01/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Amplitude Death: Towards simultaneous quenching of thermoacoustic instabilities in a pair of combustors"
Speaker :Prof. R.I. Sujith, IIT Madras.
Date:23/01/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Middle Atmospheric Response to the Changing Climate over Indian region"
Speaker : Dr M. VenkatRatnam ( Recipient of 2018, S S Bhatnagar Award in Atmospheric Sciences), National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL), Department of Space, Gadanki-517112, India.
Date:09/01/2019, 5:30 PM , C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "Properties of a Plasma of Quarks and Gluons"
Speaker : Prof. Bedangadas Mohanty, NISER Bhubaneswar
Date:16/11/2018, 4:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
Title: "From materials to clean water: Growing companies from wet labs"
Speaker : Prof. T. Pradeep, IIT-Madras
Date:14/09/2018, 4:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
AbstractTitle: The classification of the 3-dimensional closed manifold by the 8 families and discussion of some classical problems.
Speaker : Prof Daciberg Lima Goncalves, Department of Mathematics, University of Sao Paulo - Brazil
Date:07/09/2018, 4:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
AbstractTitle: Tigers on island
Speaker :Dr. Uma Ramakrishnan, NCBS, Bangalore
Date:31/08/2018, 4:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
AbstractTitle: Host responses to infection
Speaker :Prof Dipankar Nandi, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Date:24/08/2018, 3:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
AbstractTitle: Atoms and Molecules in a Confined Environment
Speaker :Prof. N. Sathyamurthy, (former director, IISER Mohali)
Date:17/08/2018, 4:30 PM (Friday), C.V Raman Hall, Second Floor
AbstractTitle: Brain Machine Interface
Speaker :Prof. G. Rangarajan, I.I.Sc., Bangalore
Date:20/04/2018, 03:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Designing nanostructures by chemical routes
Speaker :Prof. Ashok Ganguli, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi
Date:13/04/2018, 03:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Probability Models
Speaker :Prof. B.V. Rao, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai.
Date:06/04/2018, 03:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: The many faces of entropy
Speaker :Prof Rajaram Nityananda, Azim Premji University, Bangalore.
Date:16/03/2018, 03:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Antimicrobial resistance is a global phenomenon and also occurs in ocular microbes
Speaker :Dr S Shivaji, L V Prasad Eye Institute
Date:09/03/2018, 03:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: The Impact of Heliocentric View on the Rise of Anthropocentric View in Humanities
Speaker :Prof Raghurama Raju, IIT Tirupati.
Date:09/02/2018, 03:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Light in a medium---Slow light and Fast light
Speaker :Prof H S Mani, CMI Chennai.
Date:02/02/2018, 03:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Evolution of Human Cognition
Speaker :Prof. L S Shashidhara, IISER Pune
Date:19/01/2018, 05:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Spatial movements of chromosomes facilitate their repairs
Speaker :Prof BJ Rao, Department of Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400005,
Date:17/11/2017, 3:15 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: The local - global principle in number theory
Speaker :C S Rajan, Professor TIFR Mumbai.
Date:10/11/2017, 3:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Algorithmic Constructions of Representations of Finite Solvable Groups
Speaker :Ravi Kulkarni, Emeritus Professor IIT Bombay
Date:03/11/2017, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Diversity to Discovery - A Serendipitous 'Golden' Odyssey into Glycochemistry
Speaker: Professor Srinivas Hotha, Department of Chemistry, IISER Pune.
Date:13/10/2017, Seminar Hall, First Floor
Speaker: Dr . V Subramanian, CLRI Madras,
Date:06/10/2017, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Automating Mathematics?
Speaker : Siddhartha Gadgil , IISc
Date:15/09/2017, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle:Integrin mediated adhesion as a regulator of cellular trafficking and function.
Speaker: Nagaraj Balasubramanian, Associate Professor, IISER, Pune.
Date:08/09/2017, Seminar hall, IISER Tirupati.
AbstractTitle: Patterns, Broken Symmetries and Computation: Emergent complexity in collective dynamics of diffusively coupled oscillatory media.
Speaker : Prof. Sitabhra Sinha, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai.
Date:18/08/2017, 3:30 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Method in the Madness: Descriptors and the Rational Design of Materials from First Principles.
Speaker : Dr Shobhana Narasimhan , Theoretical sciences unit, JNCASR, Bangalore.
Date. : 07/04/2017, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: The female mate-choice process on an antelope lek
Speaker : Dr Kavita Isvaran , Centre for Ecological Sciences, IISc, Bangalore.
Date : 24/03/2017 , Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: "How does your garden grow?"
SubTitle: A mathematical study of growth
Speaker : Kapil Paranjape, IISER Mohali
Date: 10/03/2017, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Some Questions on Uncertainty Principles in Fourier Analysis
Speaker : Alladi Sitaram
Date: 03/03/2017, 3:15 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
Title: S Quiet Time In Stem Cells: The Balancing Act of Reversible Arrest
Speaker : Prof. Jyotsna Dhawan , CSIR Center for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad & Institute for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine, Bangalore
Date : 24/02/2017, 3:15 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Receptor Guanylyl Cyclase C, cGMP and Bacterial Toxins: Getting to the Gut of the Matter
Speaker : Prof. Sandhya S. Visweswariah
Date:17/02/2017, 3:15 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
Title: The imprint of the early universe on cosmological observations
Speaker : Dr Pravabati Chingangbam , Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore
Date: 10/02/2017, 3:15 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor
Title: "Mathematics and Sets."
Speaker : Prof. Nitin Nitsure , TIFR Mumbai
Date:03/02/2017, 03:00 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor.
AbstractTitle: "The Tau of Ramanujan"
Speaker: Prof Eknath Ghate , Tifr mumbai
Date: 05/01/2017, 04:15 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor.
Abstract & Biography of the Speaker
Title: Group Theory: the Language of Symmetry
Speaker: Prof Amritanshu , Professor, IMSc, Chennai
Date: 25/11/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor.
Abstract & Biography of the Speaker
Title: Novel Synthetic Strategies for Medicinally Important Molecular Scaffolds
Speaker : Maddali L. N. Rao , Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Date: 18/11/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Fundamentals on Nanoeletronics: A Theoretical Perspective
Speaker : Swapan K Pati , JNCASR, Jakkur Campus, Bangalore .
Date: 28-10-2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Responsive Nano-biomaterials for biomedical applications
Speaker : Praveen Vemula, NCBS Bangalore.
Date: 07/10/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Signaling to chromatin:Tale of SATB family genome organizers
Speaker: Sanjeev Galande, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)
Date :16/09/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Interdisciplinary science from a user perspective
Speaker : Gautam I Menon, Theoretical Physics and Computational Biology groups The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Date : 09/09/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (FTA) through matrices.
Speaker : Prof Anant Shastri, IIT Bombay
Date : 02/09/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Life beyond graduate school, snippets from the journey of drug discovery
Speaker : Dr. V. Balasubramanian, Co-founder and president, R&D, Bug works research India, Bangalore
Date: 26/08/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
Title: Plane Geometries
Speaker : Kumaresan, University of Hyderabad
Date : 19/08/2016 , Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: "Science, Technology and the Quantum"
Speaker : Professor Ganapathy Baskaran, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai 600 113
Date: 12/08/2016, 3:00 PM (Friday), Seminar Hall, First Floor.
Abstract & Biography of the Speaker
Title: Topology of surfaces
Speaker : Professor. Parameswaran Sankaran, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai 600 113
Date : 11/03/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Optimality Models in Biology
Speaker : T. R. Rao , Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali
Date : 26/02/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor
AbstractTitle: Introduction to Error Correcting Codes.
Speaker : Krishna Kaipa
Date: 19/02/2016, Seminar Hall, First Floor