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Publisher-wise list of e-Resources available at G. N. Ramachandran Library, IISER Tirupati
American Association for Cancer Research
- Cancer Discovery (2011-present)
- Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention (1991-present)
- Cancer Immunology Research (2013-present)
- Cancer Prevention Research (2008-present)
- Cancer Research (1916-present)
- Clinical Cancer Research (1995-present)
- Molecular Cancer Research (2002-present)
- Molecular Cancer Therapeutics (2001-present)
American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Science (1997-present) [Archives from 1880 to 2012 can be accessed through JSTOR]
- Science Advances (Open Access)
- Research (OA)
- Plant Phenomics (OA)
American Chemical Society
- Accounts of Chemical Research (1996-present)
- ACS Applied Bio Materials (New in 2018)
- ACS Applied Electronic Materials (New in 2018)
- ACS Applied Energy Materials (New in 2018)
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2009-present)
- ACS Applied Nano Materials (New in 2018)
- ACS Applied Polymer Materials (New in 2018)
- ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (2015-present)
- ACS Catalysis (2011-present)
- ACS Chemical Biology (2006-present)
- ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2010-present)
- ACS Combinatorial Science (1999-present)
- ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (2017-present)
- ACS Energy Letters (2016-present)
- ACS Infectious Diseases (2015-present)
- ACS Macro Letters (2012-present)
- ACS Materials Letters (New in 2019)
- ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2010-present)
- ACS Nano (2007-present)
- ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science (New in 2018)
- ACS Photonics (2014-present)
- ACS Sensors (2016-present)
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2013-present)
- ACS Synthetic Biology (2012-present)
- Analytical Chemistry (1996-present)
- Biochemistry (1996-present)
- Bioconjugate Chemistry (1996-present)
- Biomacromolecules (2000-present)
- Chemical Research in Toxicology (1996-present)
- Chemical Reviews (1996-present)
- Chemistry of Materials (1996-present)
- Crystal Growth & Design (2001-present)
- Energy & Fuels (1996-present)
- Environmental Science & Technology (1996-present)
- Environmental Science & Technology Letters (2014-present)
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (1996-present)
- Inorganic Chemistry (1996-present)
- Journal of the American Chemical Society (1996-present)
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1996-present)
- Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data (1996-present)
- Journal of Chemical Education (1924-present)
- Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (1996-present)
- Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (2005-present)
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (1996-present)
- Journal of Natural Products (1996-present)
- Journal of Organic Chemistry (1996-present)
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A (1997-present)
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B (1997-present)
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2007-present)
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2010-present)
- Journal of Proteome Research (2002-present)
- Langmuir (1996-present)
- Macromolecules (1996-present)
- Molecular Pharmaceutics (2004-present)
- Nano Letters (2001-present)
- Organic Letters (1999-present)
- Organic Process Research & Development (1997-present)
- Organometallics (1996-present)
- ACS Central Science (OA)
- ACS Omega (OA)
American Institute of Physics
- Applied Physics Letters (1999-present)
- Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (1999-present)
- Journal of Applied Physics (1999-present)
- The Journal of Chemical Physics (1999-present)
- Journal of Mathematical Physics (1999-present)
- Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (1999-present)
- Low Temperature Physics (1999-present)
- Physics of Fluids (1999-present)
- Physics of Plasmas (1999-present)
- Physics Today (1999-present)
- Review of Scientific Instruments (1999-present) Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (1999-present) American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
- American Journal of Physics (1999-present)
- The Physics Teacher (1999-present) AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing (formerly American Vacuum Society)
- Biointerphases (2006-present)
- Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A (1999-present)
- Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (1999-present)
- Surface Science Spectra (1999-present) The Society of Rheology (SOR)
- Journal of Rheology (1999-present)
- AIP Advances (OA)
- APL Bioengineering (OA)
- APL Materials (OA)
- APL Photonics (OA) American Crystallographic Association (ACA)
- Structural Dynamics (OA) China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP)
- Matter and Radiation at Extremes (OA)
American Mathematical Society
- Journal of the American Mathematical Society (1988-present)
- Mathematics of Computation (1943-present)
- MathSciNet (Database) [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
- Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (1950-present)
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1950-present)
- St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal (2004-present)
- Sugaku Expositions (2017-present)
- Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (2004-present)
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (1900-present)
- Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society (2004-present)
- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (Free Access)
- Conformal Geometry and Dynamics (Free Access)
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society (Free Access)
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Series B (OA)
- Representation Theory (Free Access)
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Series B (OA)
- Electronic Research Announcements of the AMS (Free Access)
- AMS eContent Search
American Physical Society [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
- Physical Review A : Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and Quantum Information (1970-present)
- Physical Review B : Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1970-present)
- Physical Review C : Nuclear Physics (1970-present)
- Physical Review D : Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology (1970-present)
- Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, Biological and Soft Matter Physics (1993-present)
- Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (1998-present)
- Physical Review Applied (2014-present)
- Physical Review Letters (1958-present)
- Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA)
- Physical Review Physics Education Research (2005-present)
- Physics
- Reviews of Modern Physics (1929-present)
- Physical Review Research (OA)
- Physical Review X (OA)
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Journal of Biological Chemistry (1905-present)
American Society for Microbiology
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (1972-present)
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1953-present)
- Clinical and Vaccine Immunology (1994-present)
- Clinical Microbiology Reviews (1988-present)
- EcoSalPlus (2004-present)
- Eukaryotic Cell (2002-present)
- Infection and Immunity (1970-present)
- Journal of Bacteriology (1916-present)
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology (1975-present)
- Journal of Virology (1967-present)
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews (1937-present)
- Microbiology Spectrum (2013-present)
- Molecular and Cellular Biology (1981-present)
- Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education (OA)
- mBio (OA)
- Microbiology Resource Announcements (Genome Announcements) (OA)
- mSphere (OA)
- mSystems (OA)
- Cultures Magazine (2014-present)
- Microbe Magazine (2006-present)
American Society of Plant Biologists
- Plant Cell (1989-present)
- Plant Physiology (1926-present)
- Plant Direct (OA)
Annual Reviews [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
- Analytical Chemistry (2008-present)
- Animal Biosciences (2016-present)
- Anthropology (1996-present)
- Astronomy and Astrophysics (1996-present)
- Biochemistry (1996-present)
- Biomedical Engineering (1999-present)
- Biophysics (1996-present)
- Cell and Developmental Biology (1996-present)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2016-present)
- Clinical Psychology (2005-present)
- Condensed Matter Physics (2016-present)
- Earth and Planetary Sciences (1996-present)
- Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (1996-present)
- Entomology (1996-present)
- Environment and Resources (1996-present)
- Fluid Mechanics (1996-present)
- Food Science and Technology (2016-present)
- Genetics (1996-present)
- Genomics and Human Genetics (2000-present)
- Immunology (1996-present)
- Law and Social Science (2005-present)
- Linguistics (2015-present)
- Marine Science (2016-present)
- Materials Research (1996-present)
- Medicine (1996-present)
- Microbiology (1996-present)
- Neuroscience (1996-present)
- Nuclear and Particle Science (1996-present)
- Nutrition (1996-present)
- Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2014-present)
- Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease (2006-present)
- Pharmacology and Toxicology (1996-present)
- Physical Chemistry (1996-present)
- Physiology (1996-present)
- Phytopathology (1996-present)
- Plant Biology (1996-present)
- Political Science (1998-present)
- Psychology (1996-present)
- Public Health (1980-present)
- Sociology (1996-present)
- Statistics and Its Application (2016-present)
- Virology (2016-present)
- Vision Science (2015-present)
Cambridge University Press
- Compositio Mathematica (2012-present)
- Geological Magazine (1997-present)
- Mathematical Gazette (2010-present)
Centre for Science and Environment
- Down To Earth (1996-present) [Please contact Library for login credentials]
Chemical Abstracts Service, A Division of the American Chemical Society
- SciFinder Scholar (Database)
Clarivate Analytics
- Web of Science (Database) [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
- Genes & Development (1987-present)
- Life Science Alliance (OA)
Company of Biologists
- Development (1953-present)
- Journal of Cell Science (1853-present)
- Journal of Experimental Biology (1923-present)
- Biology Open (OA)
- Disease Models & Mechanisms (OA)
Duke University Press
- Duke Mathematical Journal (1999-present) [Access through Project Euclid]
EDP Sciences
- Astronomy & Astrophysics (2001-present)
European Mathematical Society
- Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (1997-present)
- Algebraic Geometry (OA)
- European Digital Mathematics Library (EuDML)
Geological Society of America
- Geology (1973-present) [Access through GeoScienceWorld]
- GSA Today (OA)
- Geosphere (OA)
- Lithosphere (OA)
Grammarly Inc.
- Grammarly [Grammar Checking and Writing Support Tool]
HBW Alive
- Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive [10 Concurrent Users]
Heldermann Verlag
- Journal of Lie Theory (1991-present)
Institute of Physics
- 2D Materials (2014-present)
- Applied Physics Express (2008-present)
- Biofabrication (2009-present)
- Bioinspiration & Biomimetics(2008-present)
- Biomedical Materials (2008-present)
- Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express (2015-present)
- Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (2008)
- Chinese Physics B (2008-present)
- Chinese Physics C (2008-present)
- Chinese Physics Letters (2008-present)
- Classical and Quantum Gravity (2008-present)
- Communications in Theoretical Physics (2008-present)
- Computational Science & Discovery (2008-2015)
- Convergent Science Physical Oncology (2015-present)
- Distributed Systems Engineering (1994-1999)
- EPL (Europhysics Letters) (2008-present)
- European Journal of Physics (2008-present)
- Flexible and Printed Electronics (2016-present)
- Fluid Dynamics Research (2008-present)
- Inverse Problems (2008-present)
- Izvestiya : Mathematics (2008-present)
- Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (1962-present)
- Journal of Breath Research (2008-present)
- Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (2008-present)
- Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2008-present)
- Journal of High Energy Physics (2008-2009)
- Journal of Instrumentation (2008-present)
- Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (2008-present)
- Journal of Neural Engineering (2008-present)
- Journal of Optics (2010-present)
- Journal of Optics A : Pure and Applied Optics (2008-2009)
- Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical (2008-present)
- Journal of Physics B : Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2008-present)
- Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics (2008-present)
- Journal of Physics G : Nuclear and Particle Physics (2008-present)
- Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter (2008-present)
- Journal of Radiological Protection (2008-present)
- Journal of Semiconductors (2009-present)
- Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment (2008-present)
- Laser Physics (2013-present)
- Laser Physics Letters (2008-present)
- Materials Research Express (2014-present)
- Measurement Science and Technology (2008-present)
- Methods and Applications in Fluorescence (2013-present)
- Metrologia (2008-present)
- Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (2008-present)
- Multifunctional Materials (2018-present)
- Nano Futures (2017-present)
- Nanotechnology (2008-present)
- Nonlinearity (2008-present)
- Nuclear Fusion (2008-present)
- Physica Scripta (2008-present)
- Physical Biology (2008-present)
- Physics Education (2008-present)
- Physics in Medicine and Biology (2008-present)
- Physics World (2008-present)
- Physics-Uspekhi (2008-present)
- Physiological Measurement (2008-present)
- Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (2008-present)
- Plasma Research Express (New)
- Plasma Science and Technology (2008-present)
- Plasma Sources Science and Technology (2008-present)
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (1889-present)
- Quantum Electronics (2008-present)
- Quantum Science and Technology (2016-present)
- Reports on Progress in Physics (2008-present)
- Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (2009-present)
- Research Notes of the AAS (2017-present)
- Russian Chemical Reviews (2008-present)
- Russian Mathematical Surveys (2008-present)
- Sbornik : Mathematics (2008-present)
- Semiconductor Science and Technology (2008-present)
- Smart Materials and Structures (2008-present)
- Superconductor Science and Technology (2008-present)
- Surface Topography : Metrology and Properties (2013-present)
- Translational Materials Research (2014-present)
- Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (OA)
- Environmental Research Communications (OA)
- Environmental Research Letters (OA)
- IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science (OA)
- IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering (OA)
- Journal of Physics Communications (OA)
- Journal of Physics : Conference Series (OA)
- Journal of Physics : Energy (OA)
- Journal of Physics : Materials (OA)
- Journal of Physics : Photonics (OA)
- New Journal of Physics (OA)
- Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (OA) Book Series
- Physics World Discovery
International Press of Boston
- Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (1997-present)
- Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (2016-present)
- Asian Journal of Mathematics (1997-present)
- Cambridge Journal of Mathematics (2013-present)
- Communications in Analysis and Geometry (1993-present)
- Communications in Information and Systems (2001-present)
- Communications in Mathematical Sciences (2003-present)
- Communications in Number Theory and Physics (2007-present)
- Current Developments in Mathematics (1995-present)
- Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations (2004-present)
- Geometry, Imaging and Computing (2014-present)
- Homology, Homotopy and Applications (1999-present)
- Journal of Combinatorics (2010-present)
- Journal of Differential Geometry (1967-present) [Access through Project Euclid]
- Journal of Symplectic Geometry (2001-present)
- Mathematical Research Letters (1994-present)
- Methods and Applications of Analysis (1994-present)
- Notices of the International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians (2013-present)
- Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly (2005-present)
- Statistics and Its Interface (2008-present)
- Surveys in Differential Geometry (1990-present)
- Acta Mathematica (2017-present) [Archives from 1882 to 2017 can be accessed through Project Euclid] (OA)
- Arkiv for Matematik (2017-present) [Archives from 1949 to 2017 can be accessed through Project Euclid] (OA)
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
- Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) Database [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
JSTOR [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
Mathematical Association of America
- American Mathematical Monthly (2018-) [Access through Taylor & Francis]
Mathematics Department, Princeton University
- Annals of Mathematics (2003-present) [Archives from 1884 onwards can be accessed through JSTOR]
Mineralogical Society of America
- American Mineralogist (1916-present)
- Elements : An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology (2005-present)
- Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (1974-present)
National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1915-present)
Nature Publishing Group (Springer Nature) [Access Period: Current year + 4 years back files on roll]
- Nature (2007-present) [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
- Nature Cell Biology
- Nature Chemistry
- Nature Immunology
- Nature Materials
- Nature Medicine
- Nature Nanotechnology
- Nature Neuroscience
- Nature Physics
- Nature Plants
- Nature Protocols
- Nature Reviews Cancer
- Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
- Nature Reviews Immunology
- Nature Reviews Microbiology
- Communications Biology (OA)
- Communications Chemistry (OA)
- Communications Physics (OA)
- Nature Communications (OA from 2016)
- Nature Precedings (2007-2012) [OA - Preprint repository]
- Nature Partner Journals (OA-23 Titles)
- Scientific Data (OA)
- Scientific Reports (OA)
New Scientist
- New Scientist (1990-present) [Please contact Library for login credentials]
Optical Society of America
- Advances in Optics and Photonics (2009-present)
- Applied Optics (1962-present)
- Applied Spectroscopy (1946-present)
- Chinese Optics Letters (2003-present)
- Journal of Display Technology (2005-2016)
- Journal of Lightwave Technology (1998-present)
- Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (1993-present)
- Journal of Optical Technology (1999-present)
- Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (2009-present)
- Journal of Optical Networking (2002-2009)
- Journal of the Optical Society of America (1917-1983)
- Journal of the Optical Society of America A (1984-present)
- Journal of the Optical Society of America B (1984-present)
- Optics News (1975-1989)
- Optics and Photonics News (1990-present)
- Optics Letters (1977-present)
- Spotlight on Optics (2009-present)
- Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics (2006-present)
- OSA Conference Papers
- Biomedical Optics Express (OA)
- Current Optics and Photonics (Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, 1997-2016) (OA)
- Optica (OA)
- Optical Materials Express (OA)
- Optics Express (OA)
- OSA Continuum (OA)
- Photonics Research (OA)
Oxford University Press
Phoenix Bioinformatics
- The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) [Database]
Rockefeller University Press
- Journal of Cell Biology (1955-present)
- Journal of Experimental Medicine (1896-present)
- Journal of General Physiology (1918-present)
Royal Society of Chemistry
- Analyst (2008-present)
- Analytical Methods (2009-present)
- Biomaterials Science (2013-present)
- Catalysis Science & Technology (2011-present)
- Chemical Communications (2008-present)
- Chemical Society Reviews (2008-present)
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice (2000-present)
- CrystEngComm (2008-present)
- Dalton Transactions (2008-present)
- Energy & Environmental Science (2008-present)
- Environmental Science : Nano (2014-present)
- Environmental Science : Processes & Impacts (2013-present)
- Environmental Science : Water Research & Technology (2015-present)
- Faraday Discussions (2008-present)
- Food & Function (2010-present)
- Green Chemistry (2008-present)
- Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (2014-present)
- Integrative Biology (2009-present)
- Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (2008-present)
- Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2013-present)
- Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2013-present)
- Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2013-present)
- Lab on a Chip (2008-present)
- Materials Chemistry Frontiers (2017-present)
- Materials Horizons (2014-present)
- MedChemComm (2010-present)
- Metallomics (2009-present)
- Molecular BioSystems (2008-2017)
- Molecular Omics (2018-)
- Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (2016-present)
- Nanoscale (2009-present)
- Nanoscale Horizons (2016-present)
- Natural Product Reports (2008-present)
- New Journal of Chemistry (2008-present)
- Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2008-present)
- Organic Chemistry Frontiers (2014-present)
- Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences (2008-present)
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2008-present)
- Polymer Chemistry (2010-present)
- Reaction Chemistry & Engineering (2016-present)
- Soft Matter (2008-present)
- Sustainable Energy & Fuels (2017-present)
- Toxicology Research (2012-present)
- Chemical Science (OA from 2015)
- Nanoscale Advances (OA)
- RSC Advances (OA from 2017) Magazines
- Chemistry World
- Education in Chemistry Databases
- Analytical Abstracts
- Chemical Hazards in Industry
- Laboratory Hazards Bulletin
- Natural Product Updates
- Synthetic Reaction Updates
- ChemSpider (Free) Book Series
- Issues in Environmental Science and Technology (2008-present)
Royal Society Publishing
- Biology Letters (2005-present)
- Interface Focus (2011-present)
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2004-present)
- Notes and Records : The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (1938-present)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1665-1886)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1887-present)
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences (1887-present)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (1800-1904)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (1905-present)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences (1905-present)
- Open Biology (OA)
- Royal Society Open Science (OA)
- European Journal of Mass Spectrometry (1999-present)
Schweizerbart Science Publishers
- European Journal of Mineralogy (2018-present)
Springer [Access provided by e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
University of Chicago Press
- American Naturalist (1997-present)
World Library Foundation
- World e-Book Library [Access provided by National Digital Library of India through e-ShodhSindhu Consortium]
National Digital Library of India