Nandini Rajamani


Assistant Professor

Department of Biology, IISER Tirupati

Email: nandini [AT]

Phone: +91 877 2500 402

Group Webpage

Research Interests

My research interests include examining the ecology of species, and understanding adaptations and processes, particularly with respect to environmental (eg: climate-change, production and human- altered landscapes), and historic (eg: trade, collections) factors. Outside of research, I have been involved in several initiatives to promote and communicate science to students, researchers, administrators and the wider public.

Educational and Professional Career

  • Ph.D (2011): Auburn University, USA

  • Research Associate (January, 2012 - July, 2013): Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore

  • PostDoctoral Scholar (January, 2012 - December, 2012): Centre d'Ecologie Functionnelle et Evolutive, CNRS, Montpellier, France

  • Co-Director (July, 2013 - March, 2016): India Bioscience Program, National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India

  • Assistant Professor (April, 2016 ~): Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati, India

Selected Publications

  • Datta A. and Nandini R., "Other Sciurids.", Mammals of South Asia. (eds A.J.T. Johnsingh and N. Manjrekar) Universities Press, Hyderabad. , 513-571 (2015).

  • Robin V V and Nandini R., "Shola habitats on sky islands: status of research on montane forests and grasslands in southern India.", Current Science 103(12), 1427-1437 (2012).

  • Nandini R. and Mudappa D, "Mystery and Myth: a review of history and conservation status of the Malabar Civet Viverra civettina Blyth, 1862.", JSmall Carnivore Conservation 43, 47-59 (2010).

  • Nandini R. and Parthasarathy N, "Food habits of the Indian giant flying squirrel Petaurista philippensis", Journal of Mammalogy 89(6), 1550-1556 (2008).


  • BIO-211: Ecology and Evolution

  • BIO-212: Ecology and Evolution Lab

  • Open Positions

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