Instructor - Dr. Nagarjun Vijay (IISER Bhopal), Dr. Sreenivas Chavali (IISER Tirupati) and other guest faculty.
Co-ordinator - Dr. Nandini Rajamani (IISER Tirupati) and Dr. Robin Vijayan (IISER Tirupati)
Harsha Kumar (, Phone: 9538224641
Samriddha Ghosh (, Phone: 9836593298
Date: 24/03/2019 - 31/03/2019
Venue: IISER Tirupati (Mangalam campus).
Course fee: Free.
Feel free to mail either of the volunteers to find out more about this workshop.
Sign up form : Click here to sign up.
Course details : The course will provide an overview of different techniques related to Next Generation Sequencing. A part of the class will cover and introduction to NGS and explanation of various protocols in common usage.
At present there are no courses that students can use to learn tools and techniques in Next Generation Sequencing. Although the actual sequence generation can be outsourced, students will still have to learn the bioinformatics pipelines to do meaningful analyses. This course, aims to familiarize students with different NGS pipelines in hope that they will be able to conduct advanced, independent research in diverse fields.
A majority of the course will include hands-on practical/lab components that require a computer. A personal laptop is necessary for this workshop.
An introduction to Next Generation Sequencing techniques. Review of different approaches, sequencing platforms, benefits and shortcomings of these platforms.
How to design a genomics study, tradeoffs between number of samples, type & length of read, coverage, depth,Phred score, reference sequence alignment (contigs, scaffolds, N50, L50).
Demonstration and sample run of a Illumina MiSeq or similar. May include library preparation steps and an actual run.
Lab protocols overview (does not involve actual lab work): Protocols to be reviewed - RAD, ddRAD, ezRAD, 2bRAD, UCE, HYRAD, MAB-seq, Exoncap-GBS, SNP-chips and probe designing, whole genome sequencing, enrichment techniques (?)
From STACKS, VCFtools, SAMtools, Plink, bwa, bowtie,GATK, trinity or velvet, (assembly), iPyRAD, PHYLUCE (?), PMDTools (ancient DNA), SNP phasing, SNAPP, SOAP (and variants), Burrows-Wheeler Aligner BWA.
Basics of Python, Bash scripting to enable finding your way around data
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